Solar Faucet Timers: Three models...with the Mist Timer, and Rain Barrel Timer to arrive in early spring 2016.
Most models features include solar panel to recharge 2-AA rechargeable batteries or you can use AA Alkaline batteries. (Regular Alkaline batteries will not be charged by the solar panel)
Rain Sensor, which automatically shuts down the timer in case of rain.
Low power indicator.
Operating pressure: 0 psi. on models 542, 544, and 5 psi on model 543.
#542 Two Dial Model - Allows you to set the frequency and duration down to as little as 15 seconds for 5 minutes. #1 Choice for Rain Barrels!
#543 Two Dial - Dual Outlet Model - Allows you to set the frequency and duration down to as little as 15 seconds for 5 minutes. Two independent timers built into one.
#544 Digital Display will allow you to set on-off duration and on-off frequency in advance. New solid cover cover helps protect the digital display.