Use the .580 Cross for four-way connections of .580 drip tubing or soaker hose. The Black and yellow compression fittings are unique as besides being compression they also have male hose threads to make them very versatile. For instance if you have a tee buy simply using a cap, you can make the tee into elbow or coupling if need be.They also make it easy to water from a central location of the garden, which gives a more even water distribution, like the diagram below. What would make this design even better, would be to have the water come in at the very center of the garden.
Note: We have our customers tell us that our 580 fittings fit the Flexon soaker hose kits available in Lowes. Customers also tell us that the 580 fittings fit the 3/8" Miracle Gro brand of soaker hose.
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