Pressure Compensating Drip Emitter Stakes with barbed inlets are turbulent-flow-path emitters, designed to produce a consistent flow rate of either 2 GPH (model 06-055) under a pressure range of 10 to 40 PSI. The emitter stakes contain a diaphragm that continuously adjusts to varying water pressures regardless of elevation or any pressure fluctuation along the laterals, ensuring even and consistent flow rates from each drip emitter. They can be used for any type of planting, including pots and baskets, and with long runs of drip tubing. Use 1/4” micro tubing to extend the emitter stakes from the drip tubing directly to the plant.
Features•Ideal for all plant layouts, including planter boxes, window boxes, closely planted shrubs, vines and roses, or around roses, shrubs and trees •Efficient and simple design combines PC drip emitter and stake•Use for commercial and residential applications •Allows water to drip directly to the root zone, delivering a constant deep watering see more
•Turbulent flow path and pressure compensating with predefined flow rate•Secure and easy installation into micro tubing without glue or clamps•Rugged materials can withstand adverse conditions •Provides uniform flow rate from each drip emitter stake along the line•Made with high impact UV-resistant plastic •Built-in diaphragm ensures constant flow rates at a range of 15 to 40 PSI
Product specifications•Maximum operating pressure: up to 40 PSI •Recommended operating pressure: 25 PSI•Pressure compensating range: 10 to 40 PSI•Height (with stake): 5.7”